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Perspektif (Deneme)

No. 11 (2024)

Images: Our Nonverbal Language and Art

July 18, 2024


Images have an important place in human history. From the first cave paintings to modern digital images, images have been an integral part of cultures, religions, science, and daily life. Long before the advent of written language, people have expressed their thoughts, feelings, and experiences through visuals. These visuals are not only a means of communication, but also a method of preserving and transferring information. Images provide important clues to understanding a society's history, beliefs, values ​​and social structure. Images also reflect certain ideologies and social values ​​in historical and cultural contexts. Imagery is the essence of art as a visual or mental depiction. In visual art forms such as painting, sculpture, cinema, photography, and even in literature and poetry, images embody the artist's thoughts, feelings and worldview. This concretization cannot occur without images. Considering that art exists through images and that these images create the meaning, emotional impact and aesthetic value of art, as a viewer, looking for these images in works of art and determining how they are used to create meaning will further increase the pleasure we get from art.


  1. “The Interpretation of Cultures", Clifford Geertz
  2. "Mythologies", Roland Barthes
  3. “Paleolitik Sanat ve İletişim: Anadolu'dan Örnekler”, Ayşe Güleç
  4. ” Görme Biçimleri”, John Berger
  5. “Görme Biçimleri”, John Berger
  6. "Gözlemcinin Teknikleri: 19. Yüzyılda Görme ve Modernleşme", Jonathan Crary
  7. “Sanatı Sanat Yapan Nedir? Sanatın İmgesel Doğası Üzerine Bir Deneme”, Pelin Dilara Çolak (Cogito 97. Sayı)
  8. “Yaratmada İlk Adım: İmge ve İmgelem”, Yard. Doç. Dr. R. Suat Işıldak
  10. “Pasajlar", Walter Benjamin
  11. “Görme Biçimleri”, John Berger
  12. “Bir Fotoğrafı Anlamak”, John Berger
  13. “Mekanik Yeniden Üretim Çağında Sanat”, Walter Benjamin